Employee and Professional Staff Engagement Survey has Launched

The Employee and Professional Staff Engagement Survey has launched! You should have received your unique link for the survey directly to your email inbox.

Want to share your experiences, opinions and help make a difference in your workplace? Please take this opportunity to complete the survey before November 26, 2023. Prizes including gift cards and free parking will be drawn for those complete the survey.

Don’t have access to a computer? We will be offering drop-in sessions where employees and professional staff who do not have access to a computer can come and complete the survey. Refreshments will be served!

Drop-In Session Dates:

Wednesday, November 15
Auditorium A (3rd Level)
10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m.

Thursday, November 23
Auditorium A (3rd Level)
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic – Appointments Available

Beginning in the fall of 2023, for those previously vaccinated against COVID-19, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommends a dose of the XBB.1.5-containing formulation of COVID-19 vaccine for individuals in the authorized age group.

Immunization is particularly important for those at increased risk of COVID-19 infection or severe disease. For more information, please see the Addendum to the Guidance on the Use of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Fall of 2023.

In accordance to current COVID-19 vaccine availability, Occupational Health and Safety has been notified that Moderna XBB will be the COVID-19 vaccine that will be utilized at this time.


The COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic will be held every Friday starting October 6, 2023 through to December 15, 2023.

Hours of operation are 0800-1600hrs.

Appointments can be booked by calling the OHS department at (807) 684-6212.

To be eligible for the vaccine, you must be a health care worker 18 yrs of age and a minimum of 6 months (168 days) since your last COVID vaccine dose or confirmed COVID-19 infection (whichever is later).

A confirmed COVID-19 infection is one that has been confirmed by molecular (i.e. PCR) or a rapid antigen test, or where you experienced symptoms after contact with a household member who had a positive test.

Staff must bring a piece of government issued identification in order to obtain the vaccine. Your health card or driver’s license are acceptable forms of ID.

Remembrance Day – ONA Department Closures (November 13)

Shared on behalf of Jeannine Verdenik, Vice President, People & Culture

As Remembrance Day falls on Saturday, November 11, 2023, the designated ONA lieu day is Monday, November 13, 2023.

Please note the following department will be CLOSED on Friday, November 10:

  • Cath Lab

The following departments will be CLOSED on Monday, November 13:

  • Ambulatory Care (all clinics closed aside from the infusion rooms)
  • Centre for Complex Diabetes Care (CCDC) In-Patient Service (new referrals)
  • Diagnostic Assessment Program Navigator
  • Gyne Laser Clinic
  • Multi-Care Kidney Clinic
  • Nurse Led Outreach Team (NLOT)
  • Ophthalmology Laser Clinic
  • Patient Flow Coordinators
  • Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Line Service
  • Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
  • Screen For Life Coach
  • Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centre (Acute Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence care continues to be provided 24/7 in the Emergency Department)
  • Stroke Prevention Clinic

The following ONA Departments will remain OPEN:

  • Adult and Forensic Mental Health Out-Patient Programs
  • Bariatric Surgery Clinic (non-ONA staff working)
  • Cancer Centre
  • Centre for Complex Diabetes Care (CCDC) (non-ONA staff working)
  • Clinical Trials
  • Complex Malignant Hematology (CMH) Clinic
  • Consultation Liaison Service (Psychiatry staff only – no Nursing staff)
  • COVID-19 Assessment Centre
  • Diagnostic Imaging
  • Endoscopy
  • Fracture Clinic
  • Infection Prevention and Control (minimum staffing/operations)
  • Lab Out-Patient Clinic
  • Maternity Centre (non-ONA staff working)
  • Medical Transitions Clinic (non-ONA staff working)
  • Operating Room
  • Paediatric Out-Patient Clinic
  • Paediatric Healthy Living Clinic (non-ONA staff working)
  • Preadmission Clinic (non-ONA staff)
  • Recovery Room
  • Renal Services
  • Surgical Day Care
  • Telemedicine (non-ONA staff working)

Remembrance Day (November 11)

Across generations, Canadians have dedicated their lives to preserve peace. On Remembrance Day we thank all veterans, members of the armed forces, and those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

For those wishing to show their support, poppies are available in the Hospital’s Cafeteria and Season’s Gift Shop.

The Royal Canadian Slovak Legion Branch 129 Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held at the Slovak Legion on November 11, 2023 in the Legion Main Hall starting at 10:30am.

There will also be services at Fort William First Nation, the Fort William Gardens, and Waverly Park.

COVID-19 Outbreak on 2A Inpatient Unit – DECLARED OVER

Shared on behalf of Infection Prevention and Control

Please be advised that the COVID-19 outbreak has been declared over at 2A Inpatient Unit as of November 08, 2023. All restrictions have been lifted. Outbreak #2262-2023-00115.

Please share this information with the appropriate staff.

For more information, contact Infection Prevention and Control at 807-684-6094.

Cardiac Cath Lab Equipment Delivery (November 7)

As construction to the Cardiac Cath Lab progresses, we look forward to receiving and installing the new equipment, offering the latest technology and integrated systems for more streamlined procedures.

Starting around 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 7, components of the new Cath Lab equipment will be delivered. The path of travel for deliveries includes the lower level service corridor, the lower level C corridor, and the 3rd Floor C corridor through the OR staff corridor to the Cath Lab. The trauma elevator at C corridor will be utilized to transport large pieces of equipment. It is estimated to take about 8-10 hours to complete the delivery of all the equipment.

Please use caution in the above noted corridors – We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time.

*Refer to the document attached below for an illustrative diagram of the equipment path of travel.

Indigenous Veterans Day – Ceremony & Exhibit Opening (November 8)

Indigenous Veterans Day – Ceremony & Exhibit Opening

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 – 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (EST) at Lakehead University Agora or live Zoom

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Exhibit will be open for public viewing

November 8 – 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
November 9 and 10 – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

