Shared on behalf of Quality and Risk Management
On Monday, April 8, 2024, we will experience a partial solar eclipse in our area between approximately 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time).
While it is dangerous to look directly at the sun at any time, during a solar eclipse, including a partial eclipse, the sun’s intense radiation can cause severe damage to the eyes. Looking directly at the sun during a solar eclipse can lead to solar retinopathy, permanently damaging the retina’s light-sensitive cells and resulting in the loss of sight.
During your staff huddles, please remind staff of the upcoming solar eclipse and the importance of taking safety precautions. In addition, where there may be a concern for patient safety, please lower window blinds where possible and be mindful when transporting patients outside during the time period. In areas with expansive window exposure, such as the cafeteria and main public corridor, take the appropriate precautions to be safe and protect your eyes.
Additional information for protecting your eyes during a solar eclipse can be found at Thunder Bay District Health Unit’s website