Solar Eclipse (April 8)

Shared on behalf of Quality and Risk Management

On Monday, April 8, 2024, we will experience a partial solar eclipse in our area between approximately 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Eastern Time).

While it is dangerous to look directly at the sun at any time, during a solar eclipse, including a partial eclipse, the sun’s intense radiation can cause severe damage to the eyes. Looking directly at the sun during a solar eclipse can lead to solar retinopathy, permanently damaging the retina’s light-sensitive cells and resulting in the loss of sight.

During your staff huddles, please remind staff of the upcoming solar eclipse and the importance of taking safety precautions. In addition, where there may be a concern for patient safety, please lower window blinds where possible and be mindful when transporting patients outside during the time period. In areas with expansive window exposure, such as the cafeteria and main public corridor, take the appropriate precautions to be safe and protect your eyes.

Additional information for protecting your eyes during a solar eclipse can be found at Thunder Bay District Health Unit’s website

Surgical Staff – Drop In Event on Patient & Staff Satisfaction (TODAY)

Surgical staff are invited to drop in and join us Wednesday, August 7 between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. in Auditorium A.

Come and see what the organization has done to improve staff and patient satisfaction in the recent past and share your exciting ideas on how we can improve both in the future.

Dessert selections provided by milk and water along with light refreshments.
Swag available for all attendees as well.

Hope to see you all there.

Missing: Two Small Folding White Tables

Seasons Gift Shop is missing two small folding white tables. If you have seen the tables, please return them to Seasons Gift Shop or Volunteer Services.

Both tables are labeled with ‘Volunteer Services’.

Thank you.

International Day of Transgender Visibility Booth (TODAY)

March 31 is International Day of Transgender Visibility. The Equity Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Steering Committee will have a booth at the bottom of the main staircase today, from 9:00 a.m. to 4: 00 p.m., to hand out trans flag buttons and educational materials to better support transgender patients, families, professional staff, staff, learners, and volunteers. Check out the booth throughout the day to get your button and some information!

It is important to create a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment for transgender patients, families, professional staff, staff, learners, and volunteers at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. By wearing a button or taking the time to learn more about the realities for transgender patients, it can make a big difference in making people feel safe and respected.

We encourage all staff will be encouraged to wear blue, pink, and white this week to celebrate and honour transgender individuals ahead of the International Day of Transgender Visibility. 

Contact Gina Fata, Cultural Communications Specialist at to submit a photo of your department dressed in blue, pink and white! All staff are welcome to participate and show their support.

Annual Mandatory Learning Due (March 31)

Fiscal year end is just around the corner and so is the deadline to complete 2023-2024 Corporate Mandatory E-Learning!

The following corporate courses are available for completion no later than March 31, 2024, through DualCode Learning Management System (LMS):

Course NameMandatory ForFrequency of Review
AccessibilityAll EmployeesAnnually
Corporate Policy Review & DeclarationAll EmployeesAnnually
Emergency PreparednessAll EmployeesAnnually
Healthy BacksAll EmployeesAnnually
Infection ControlAll EmployeesAnnually
Occupational Health and SafetyAll EmployeesAnnually
Patient and Family Centred CareAll EmployeesAnnually
Patient SafetyAll EmployeesAnnually
Police Annual Declaration ReminderAll EmployeesAnnually
PrivacyAll EmployeesAnnually
Violence PreventionAll EmployeesAnnually
WHMISAll EmployeesAnnually
Workplace ViolenceAll EmployeesAnnually
Workplace HarassmentAll EmployeesAnnually
Quality & Risk ManagementAll EmployeesOnce within first year of employment
Respect Project – Acute Mental HealthAll EmployeesOnce within first year of employment
Respect Project – Indigenous HealthAll EmployeesOnce within first year of employment
Respect Project – Self AwarenessAll EmployeesOnce within first year of employment
Wake the GiantAll EmployeesOnce within first year of employment
Fire Safety PlanAll Supervisory StaffAnnually
OHS for Supervisory StaffAll Supervisory StaffAnnually

Please log into DualCode LMS to review your outstanding courses to be completed:

Please note that courses featuring declarations, such as the Police Record Check Declaration, Policy Declaration, and Fire Safety Plan Declaration, require an additional step to be marked compliant this learning year. Dual Code LMS –Declaration Completion

Should you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Human Resources at extension 6218 or   

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

On the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we encourage everyone to play their part to actively work towards eliminating all forms of racial discrimination and hate. In a healthcare setting, equity-deserving ethnic and racial groups may experience discrimination and racism on both an individual and systemic level. These experiences can lead to a lack of trust or delay in seeking care. Healthcare staff from equity-deserving ethnic and racial groups can also face discrimination in their workplace from both healthcare users and colleagues.

Continuing to educate yourself is central to this work. As Hospital Staff, one potential step you can take is to sign up for our upcoming cultural safety training session titled, “Repairing the Sacred Circle: An Indigenous Cultural Awareness and Education Primer”.

As part of the work we are doing organizationally, we have formed our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Steering Committee. Our EDI Steering Committee aims to foster an organizational culture of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, through the creation and implementation of an action plan that will address racism, discrimination, phobias, biases, oppression, stigma, and other harmful situations that may lead to inequities throughout our Hospital.

The EDI Steering Committee aims to have member representation from various equity deserving groups, and this group may guide and advise upon other initiatives within the 2026 Strategic Plan from an EDI lens, as required.

Thank you for the work you do to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination and ensure equal access and opportunities for all.

Cultural Safety Through Storytelling with Isaac Murdoch (March 20)

Join us for an inspiring afternoon of cultural exploration and storytelling with renowned Indigenous artist and storyteller, Isaac Murdoch, on March 20 (1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.).

Isaac Murdoch, a passionate advocate for cultural safety, will share his knowledge and experiences through captivating stories steeped in generational wisdom. With his engaging storytelling style, Isaac will take you on a journey that delves into the rich traditions, values, and wisdom of Indigenous cultures. 

By attending this event, you will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of cultural safety and its role in fostering respect, inclusivity, and understanding. Isaac’s stories will not only entertain and educate but also encourage meaningful conversations about cultural preservation and appreciation. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with Indigenous culture and learn from one of its most respected storytellers.

Register now by emailing:

Hosted by St. Joseph’s Care Group’s and Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre’s joint Indigenous Health Education Committee
