Notice of Flooring Work (December 23 -31)

Notice of Flooring Work – Access impact to SLC, Elevator-01 and Stair-A.    

The flooring in the corridors outside of Elevator-01 (along the terrace) and into SLC will be replaced starting on Monday, December 23 until Tuesday, December 31 (no work on Christmas and Boxing Days). To accommodate this work, travel through these areas will not be permissible until the work is complete.

Please see the attached for an alternate access route to SLC. Please note that access to and from Elevator-01 and Stair-A at the 3rd level is not possible during the work.

For access to SLC, please use the hallway around the back of the Auditorium. Signage will be posted to help with wayfinding, as well as inside Elev-01 and Stair-A. Access to SLC from the East Entrance can be via the Grand Staircase or the main lobby elevator (ELEV-04) adjacent to the Grand Staircase.

If you have any questions, please contact Casey Ladouceur in Capital Planning at or 807-684-7233.