National Nursing Week: Chief Nursing Executive Award, Brittney McLaughlin

Every day, Brittney McLaughlin leads by example, demonstrating a tireless work ethic and an unyielding commitment to the organization and further, the Interprofessional Education team. Her ability to navigate complex challenges with grace and determination serves as a guiding light for her colleagues, instilling confidence and fostering a culture of excellence.

Beyond her clinical, education, leadership and research expertise, Brittney possesses a rare gift for uplifting, supporting and empowering those around her. She recognizes the unique strengths of each team member and works collaboratively with all to advance the health system. Even though Brittney is a nurse by background, she is committed to interprofessional advancements and takes great pride in their successes.

She goes above and beyond the call of duty, consistently investing time and effort in all she does. She approaches every challenge with tenacity, resilience, and determination to succeed. In the face of program adversities, setbacks, and moments of uncertainty, she remained steadfast and unwavering. Her unwavering resolve and optimism has served as a strength for the entire team.

In essence, Brittney is more than just a nursing leader; she is a visionary, a mentor, and a source of inspiration for us all. Her impact on our department is immeasurable.