Fibroids are benign smooth muscle growths inside the muscle of the uterus. They’re very common — seven out of 10 women will have uterine fibroids by the age of 50.
Fibroids are easily seen on ultrasound. Fibroids are generally benign (not cancer), however, they can cause many symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, back pain, pressure, bowel or bladder symptoms, and infertility.
Fibroids can be very small, or grow very large. The team of obstetrician-gynecologists at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre offer many treatment options for fibroids including medication and surgery. Our team of interventional radiologists can also provide uterine artery embolization. All of these options can either shrink or remove fibroids to make them less bothersome.
If you would like to contact one of our gynecologists, simply have your primary care provider or walk-in clinic provider refer you to one of the clinics in our city. If you live outside of Thunder Bay in Northwestern Ontario, we provide many outreach clinics across our region to provide care closer to your home.