The Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre is proud to highlight volunteer Dougie Newhouse.
HELP is a delirium prevention program that aids in the improvement of cognitive and functional outcomes in patients 65 and older. HELP achieves this by having trained volunteers facilitate interventions that prevent delirium, which includes orienting patients to their surroundings, facilitating activities that keep them cognitively active, encouraging fluids and keeping them mobile within the limitations of their physical condition.
After he completes his studies on human physiology to the PhD or MD level, Dougie looks forward to a long career in healthcare serving Northwestern Ontario. With those academic and professional goals in mind, he began volunteering with the HELP program. However, he says he soon found the experience personally rewarding as well, from supporting and interacting with HELP patients, hearing their unique perspectives and doing what he could to aid in their care.
“My experiences volunteering for the HELP program have facilitated my development of communicational, organizational and professional skills to draw from while navigating a prospective career in healthcare, particularly when working with vulnerable populations.”
HELP, Elder Life Coordinator, Marielle Dysievick, says Dougie demonstrates dedication and effectiveness in helping improve patients’ experience here at the hospital. “Dougie truly makes everyone he meets feel comfortable and has empathy for patients and their families.”
“Dougie is friendly, kind and truly enjoys getting to know each patient. These qualities were evident from his first shift with HELP. He possesses all the qualities of an outstanding volunteer. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to our patients Dougie!”