Shared on behalf of Phil Thompson, Code Brown Executive Sponsor
The Hospital’s Code Brown (EMER-100) policy is due to be exercised. A Code Brown drill has therefore been scheduled for Tuesday December 5, 2023 at 1400 hr. The purpose of this drill is to practice the actions to be taken when a potentially unknown and/or unmanageable substance is found within the Hospital (980 Oliver Rd).
Managers: Circulate this memo to staff, including employees without regular access to email, and post the attached drill poster in your unit.
What am I expected to do?
Upon overhead drill announcement:
All staff
- Remain off all elevators for 5 minutes following initial announcement.
- Do not travel to or through the area where the Code Brown is located.
- Communicate with patients and visitors during the drill that this activity is part of the Hospital’s emergency preparedness training and patient care services are continuing as normal.
Code Brown Response Team
- Predesignated responders (includes Housekeeping, Security, Maintenance, and Nuclear Medicine) will report to the incident site.
What happens if a real emergency occurs during the drill? If the drill must be stopped due to a real emergency, Switchboard will immediately announce “Code Brown Drill – All Clear” overhead, followed by “NO DUFF, NO DUFF + relevant colour code announcement”.
Thank you for your participation and cooperation. Any questions or concerns can be directed to Mēsha Richard, Lead, Emergency Preparedness (ext. 6552 or