You’re invited to join the next Virtual All Staff Town Hall on Wednesday, May 15 @ 2:00 p.m.
Town Halls are an opportunity to stay informed on what’s happening at your Hospital and Health Research Institute.
Topics for this month’s edition:
- Strategic Plan 2026: Year Two Review and Staff Appreciation BBQ
- Transition from GroupWise to Outlook
- Accessibility Feedback Survey
It also provides opportunity to have your questions answered and comments heard about any of our operations, strategic priorities or other areas of interest. Feel free to submit your question by emailing or in real time during the session. Submitting questions in advance ensures the right people are available to respond.
To join, please visit .
Can’t make it? The Virtual All Staff Town Hall will be recorded so you can view it anytime afterwards. The password for the meeting should populate automatically. If the password is not accepted due to settings on your computer, please enter the meeting password: townhall2024.
We look forward to seeing you all at the Virtual All Staff Town Hall.