Update your email signatures and business cards

Shared on behalf of Help Desk

The username and email changes are complete as of May 2nd. Please update your email signatures to your new format.

  1. Open Groupwise
  2. On the upper menu click

                        Tools > Options > Environment > Signature

  • Change your existing email in your signature to your Alias.

from username@tbh.net 

to firstname.lastname@tbh.net

When you are ready to reorder Letterhead and Business Cards, please ensure it includes your new email format (Alias = firstname.lastname@tbh.net).

NOTE: you will continue to receive email to your previous email as well as your Alias.  All mail sent will come from firstname.lastname@tbh.net

If there are any question or concerns, please contact our Help desk at 684-6411,

1-888-291-9636 or Help@tbh.net