Good Catch Awards

It’s Canadian Patient Safety Week and what better time than now to congratulate two winners of the quarterly ‘Good Catch’ Awards – Tiffany Phan and Laura Wilson!  

Good Catch Awards highlight individuals, groups or departments who demonstrate their commitment to keeping patients safe by reporting a near miss. A ‘good catch’ (or near miss) is an event or situation that could have resulted in harm, but did not reach the patient because of chance or timely intervention. Reporting these events can help to identify gaps in order to prevent future adverse events from happening.

Tiffany, a Pharmacy Technician who works at the In-Patient Pharmacy, noticed that the medication list for a patient on the 3C Surgical In-Patient unit mistakenly had a discontinued medication selected for administration to the patient.  She promptly contacted the Pharmacist and a new BPMH (Best Possible Medication History) was requested, ensuring the patient did not receive incorrect medicine. Well done!

Prior to an MRI scan, Laura was performing a safety screening on the patient when he notified her that he had a craniotomy for an aneurysm but did not have anything implanted in his body and the requisition from the ordering physician also indicated no surgical aneurysm clips were present.  As this is rare, Laura investigated further and saw three clips in a previously scanned image. She was then able to determine the safety of these clips and was able to proceed with scanning the patient safely. Good initiative!

Thank you to both for your diligence and dedication to safety!  Each recipient has been awarded a certificate and gift cards to local businesses.

New winners will be selected every quarter. Continue submitting your near misses for a chance to win! Near miss reports are submitted through the Incident Learning System (patient safety incidents). Click on the ‘safety reporting’ icon from your Novell home page or go to the iNtranet and choose ‘Safety Reporting’ under ‘Informational’.

For more information, contact Terry Fodë, Patient Safety Improvement Specialist (

Tiffany Phan
Laura Wilson