Earth Day (April 22)

Every April 22nd, stakeholders of all backgrounds come together to advance sustainability and climate action in commemoration of Earth Day.

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is committed to environmental stewardship. Some of the initiatives that have been incorporated to help meet our environmental goals include transitioning to biodegradable gloves and the introduction of the ORCA system (aerobic food waste digester). In May 2024, we will introduce reusable sharps containers and host our annual ‘Spring to Clean Up’ in collaboration with EcoSuperior (May 31).

Some ways you can participate in Earth Day include:

  • Walk/Bike/Car pool/Public transit to work.
  • Use reusable vs disposable when possible.
  • Plant trees, pollinator and vegetable gardens.
  • Participate in composting.
  • Set up a rain barrel or rain garden.
  • ‘Spring Clean Up’ of their yards or your neighbourhood.

TBRHSC’s Green Team is proud to be involved in the waste and energy reduction initiatives onsite which help reduce our Hospital’s environmental impact and carbon footprint.

For more information on Earth Day visit: Earth Day: The Official Site | EARTHDAY.ORG