Active Commute Challenge Starts Now!

How did you get to work today? If you left your car at home, fantastic! If you drove in, not to worry – this challenge is running the ENTIRE month of June! So set some goals – will you swap your car once a week? Twice a week? Everyday? Will you walk? Bike? Take transit?

Sign up now and log your active commutes at

Are you working from home? Not to worry! Replace any trip in your vehicle with an active commute! Taking the bus to the grocery store, biking to an appointment, or walking to a meeting can all be submitted as active commutes.

The Active Commute Challenge:

  • is a month-long challenge happening this June
  • encourages you to switch your ride and actively commute to / from work
  • is a friendly workplace competition – sign up to be a part of the TBRHSC team!
  • allows you to track your active commutes and see your progress
  • has prizes for individuals and workplaces