Active Commute Challenge

Here are some common reasons why people don’t sign up for the Active Commute Challenge, but don’t worry, here are some simple solutions that will help you incorporate active community into your day. No commute is too small.

  • But I’m working from home – You can still participate. Replace any trip in your vehicle with an active commute! Taking the bus to the grocery store, biking to an appointment, or walking to a meeting can all be submitted as active commutes.
  • But I live in the country – Consider a park and ride – finding a place to park and actively commuting the rest of the way!
  • But I don’t feel safe – Consider asking a colleague who is familiar with active commuting to buddy up and show you the ropes – there is safety in numbers. Find a route you are comfortable with – places where walking and bicycling are more common tend to be safer.
  • But I have to drop the kids off at school – Consider an active commute with your kids. Being a role model for active transportation will send a positive message to your children.
  • But there’s just no way I can – If you’re still stuck and there is no way around the need to drive to work, consider an active commute on your break or lunch. Walk or bike to the coffee shop or for lunch. Better yet, ask a colleague to join and double those active kilometers.