2024/25 Annual Device Replacements

Shared on behalf of Information Technology

Starting in June, Information Technology staff will begin our annual device replacements.  Numbers that fall below the inventory numbers (yellow tag) noted below are up for replacement:

  • TBRHSC –  less than H39088
  • SJCG – less than S39800

Due to the volume of replacements to be done, we are unable to provide an exact date/time that your device will be replaced.  Replacement of devices can occur at any time (including weekends), please ensure your desk is clear near your device. IT will in best efforts alert managers of the departments receiving replacement 1 week before scheduled.

We have a number of staff working from home with corporate devices, if you have a device at home up for replacement, IT will be in contact with you to schedule drop off/pick up of old and new devices at the hospital site.

Information Technology is not responsible for any information that is stored locally; please ensure all information stored is moved to your network drive. Assistance can be found in our Help Desk – Self Service.

Examples of items stored locally:

  • Documents stored on the C:\ Drive
  • Electronic “Sticky Notes”
  • Internet Favourites

If a staff member has 2 devices, the Device Configuration Policy (see IS-SUP-068-S – Employee Device Configurations) will be followed, it can be found on the Intranet.

If there are any questions or concerns please contact us by email: Domenic Falcetta or Luke Perrier.