COVID-19 Outbreak on 2A Inpatient Unit – DECLARED OVER

Shared on behalf of Infection Prevention and Control

Please be advised that the COVID-19 outbreak has been declared over at 2A Inpatient Unit as of November 08, 2023. All restrictions have been lifted. Outbreak #2262-2023-00115.

Please share this information with the appropriate staff.

For more information, contact Infection Prevention and Control at 807-684-6094.

Cardiac Cath Lab Equipment Delivery (November 7)

As construction to the Cardiac Cath Lab progresses, we look forward to receiving and installing the new equipment, offering the latest technology and integrated systems for more streamlined procedures.

Starting around 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 7, components of the new Cath Lab equipment will be delivered. The path of travel for deliveries includes the lower level service corridor, the lower level C corridor, and the 3rd Floor C corridor through the OR staff corridor to the Cath Lab. The trauma elevator at C corridor will be utilized to transport large pieces of equipment. It is estimated to take about 8-10 hours to complete the delivery of all the equipment.

Please use caution in the above noted corridors – We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this time.

*Refer to the document attached below for an illustrative diagram of the equipment path of travel.

Indigenous Veterans Day – Ceremony & Exhibit Opening (November 8)

Indigenous Veterans Day – Ceremony & Exhibit Opening

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 – 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (EST) at Lakehead University Agora or live Zoom

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Exhibit will be open for public viewing

November 8 – 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
November 9 and 10 – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Spooky Decorations for Patients

Thank you so much to students in the Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board’s Gateway Program. They made Halloween decorations to be added to in-patient meal trays on October 31.

Halloween in Paediatric Outpatient Unit

Staff in the Paediatric Outpatient unit at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre went all out this Halloween for their patients. Dressed up in coordinating Winnie-the-Pooh costumes, they brought laughter and smiles to patients and staff that they encountered throughout the day.

Regional Cancer Care North West Shows their Halloween Spirit

Staff in the Regional Cancer Care program at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre got into the Halloween spirit yesterday and showed off their brightly coloured prom-themed outfits. Their playful costuming brought joy and smiles to patients and staff that they encountered throughout the day.

Changing Clocks/Watches to Standard Time (November 5)

Shared on behalf of Quality and Risk Management

On Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 2:00 a.m., clocks and watches fall back one hour to change from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time.

The accuracy of time is very important to ensuring safety at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. It
is of importance not only for scheduling procedures and staffing, but also for charting accuracy and medication dispensing.

At 2:00 a.m. all electronic clocks that are controlled by the system (NICU, ICU, etc.) will be moved back to Daylight Saving Time automatically. Any final adjustments will be completed by 5:00 a.m. If any of these system clocks are not updated by 8:00 a.m., please contact the Maintenance Department (ext. 6344).
All departments will be responsible for changing the time on any battery operated clocks in their area. Computers will automatically change to Standard Time.

Please ensure that your personal watches/devices are updated and that any clocks in your area are adjusted in a timely manner.

COVID-19 Outbreak: 2B Medical

Shared on behalf of Infection Prevention and Control

An outbreak of COVID-19 (outbreak number: 2262-2023-00128) has been declared on 2B Medical unit as of October 31, 2023. All restrictions are in place.

Please share this information with the appropriate staff.

As always, our number one priority is the safety of patients and their families, staff and visitors. All patients identified as having an exposure to this outbreak will require isolation with appropriate additional precautions.

The Infection Prevention and Control department encourages everyone to keep applying the routine practices of hand hygiene, proper use of PPE, equipment cleaning, and the appropriate admission screening of all patients. Please set an example for staff and students and assist us by maintaining compliance and due diligence.

For more information, contact Infection Prevention and Control at extension 6094.
