ERW: Recognizing the Work We Do Trivia

The ORCA Digestive Machine in Nutrition and Food Services breaks down food waste and turns it into water. How many pounds of food waste did the machine convert between June and October 2023?

A) 50,000 Lbs. B) 25,000 Lbs. C) 33,000 Lbs. D) 12,000 Lbs.

Approximately how many meals does the Nutrition and Food Services staff serve per day?

A) 1,050 B) 356 C) 2,600 D) 10,000

To submit your answers, visit and login using your network username and password.

2nd Level ‘A’ Service Corridor will be Closed (February 26)

Please be advised that a portion of the 2nd Level ‘A’ Service Corridor will be closed starting Monday, February 26, for approximately 4 weeks to accommodate the installation of new doors.

Access to the Renal Department waiting room will be maintained for Renal patients and staff only – others will be directed to use alternate routes. Work will also be occurring in the Renal Entrance vestibule to replace the stairwell door during a portion of the aforementioned construction timeframe.

Construction hoarding and signage will be placed in these areas to restrict access and notify other patients and staff to utilize alternative routes. Patients, staff, and visitors are asked to be aware and mindful of construction activities in these areas. Please communicate this with your staff and patients who may be affected by the construction within these areas.

*Refer to the below graphic illustrating the areas of construction:

Reminder – Planned Overhead Paging System and Fire System Outage (February 15)

Please be advised the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (at the 980 Oliver Road location only) will execute a planned impairment of its entire Overhead Paging System and Fire System on Thursday, February 15, 2024 for approximately one (1) hour – starting at 11:00 PM to facilitate deactivation of the fire system related to planned system upgrades.

Our Facilities and Security teams will be enacting and overseeing our Fire System Impairment and Fire Watch procedures, as included in the Fire Plan for our site.

During this impairment, no Hot Work will be authorized. Further, any high risk work that could result in an elevated risk of fire, heat, or smoke should not be planned – please review this within your department and plan to discontinue high-risk activities (i.e. construction, repairs, hot showers, etc.). Should you observe activities that may be of concern during the impairment, contact your Supervisor or Manager to discuss.

While the Hospital’s Overhead Paging System is out of service, alternate measures will be applied to notify the organization of Emergency Codes and Alerts. Staff will continue to activate all Codes using extension 55. Please see the attached policy for guidance.

Key things to remember during an outage:

  1. Regularly monitor email for emergency code and alert notices issued by Switchboard.
  2. Respond to emergency codes and alerts through alternate communication measures, e.g., paging, radios, emails, runners, etc., as appropriate – and activate response as required.
  3. Be vigilant in reviewing department activities during the period of fire system impairment.
  4. Clinical leads are encouraged to collaborate with their teams to consider alternatives to paging patients back to units, such as collecting Patients’ mobile phone numbers.

Further, in event of fire during this impairment, please execute all steps as outlined in Code Red Policy (EMER-30) and your area sub plan. Should you discover a fire – “REACT”:

R – Remove persons in immediate danger

E – Ensure doors are closed to confine fire or smoke

A – Activate the fire alarm by pulling the nearest pull station

C– Call Switchboard at Ext 55 to report the location of the fire

T– Try to extinguish the fire if trained to do so or continue to evacuate

The contractor for the fire system work is Troy Life & Fire Safety. The Building System Operator is onsite and reachable at cell number 629-7005. Further support will be provided by Security (684-6509) and the on call Facility Manager (cell number 629-3119) as required.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please contact Ryan Sears.

Cardiology Technologist Day (February 14)

On February 14th, we celebrate cardiology technologists by highlighting the importance of their role of in the diagnosis and treatment of heart arrhythmias and heart disease.

Registered Cardiology Technologists (RCT) are a specialized group of educated health care professionals who work with cardiologists and internal medicine specialists. They perform a variety of non-invasive cardiac diagnostic tests such as Electrocardiograms, Exercise Stress Testing, Holter monitoring, and cardiac device monitoring and programming.

These skilled providers deliver important patient care services and to many patients, RCTs are the front line workers and friendly faces they see when receiving care for heart disease.

 We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our cardiology technologists for their dedication to providing compassionate care to the people of Northwestern Ontario.
