Forensic Mental Health and Blue Sky Community Healing Centre

Forensic Mental Health services offers culturally safe care to a diverse population. As part of this care, Blue Sky Community Healing Centre provides programming on the inpatient unit, as well as to residents of the Transitional Rehabilitative Housing Program (TRHP) in the community.

“I want to work to end the stigma around the marginalization of individuals who struggle with mental health or substance abuse issues,” says Trevor Atkinson at Blue Sky Community Healing Centre. “Recovery is about progression, not perfection, and I want to ensure that individuals discover new hope for the future. Rock bottom can allow individuals to become empowered and want to take better care of themselves.”

The Blue Sky Community Healing Centre provides cultural and spiritual services (ceremonies, gatherings, drumming, Indigenous sacred items, and traditional Indigenous lodges) and promotes inclusivity while facilitating self-discovery and healing.

Trevor Atkinson at Blue Sky Community Healing Centre.

National Nursing Week: Volunteer Bursary Award, Shawn Seagris

Shawn Seagris is the Manager of an extensive portfolio including CAMHU, ACT, CAST, MHAT, and in-patient Social Work. He’s also in the process of furthering his education and is enrolled at Lakehead University in the Masters of Nursing Program.

Shawn is a young, ambitious individual. His energy and constructive attitude has been a welcomed addition to our programs. He leads by example, fostering a positive and healthy work environment.

Shawn’s “door is always open”, and is always willing to provide support, listening time, and feedback to his staff with a warm, welcoming, non-judgemental approach.

Recognizing Shawn with the Volunteer Association Education Bursary will allow him to continue his ongoing professional and educational growth.

Today the cheque was presented by Louisa Gosgnach, the Manager of Seasons Gift Shop, through which the $1,000 was raised. We appreciate the patronage of the Hospital community to Seasons Gift Shop because it in turn is able to financially support the hospital community. Seasons is operated by the Volunteer Association Board, which is a registered charity and is not the same as Volunteer Services.

National Nursing Week Spotlight: Carly Della Vedova

It’s National Nursing Week and Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is highlighting a few of our nurses and their achievements. Meet Carly Della Vedova, a Registered Nurse at our Hospital.

Carly Della Vedova has been working as a Registered Nurse in surgery for five years and loves her job. She enjoys working with a great group of people and appreciates the unpredictability and complexity of surgeries. Carly has pursued further education, obtained wound care certificates and has taken courses that allow her to broaden her knowledge and expertise. She finds wound care especially interesting and enjoys using her additional education to better serve her patients every day.

National Nursing Week Spotlight: Ashley Pecore

It’s National Nursing Week and Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is highlighting a few of our nurses and their achievements. Meet Ashley Pecore, a Registered Practical Nurse at our Hospital.

Ashley is a Registered Practical Nurse at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC). After graduating from Confederation College in 2022, she worked at London Health Sciences Centre (University Campus) to practice her nursing skills. It was during that experience when she fell in love with the profession. After a year, Ashley decided it was time to come back home and began working at TBRHSC.

Throughout her time at our Hospital, Ashley developed a fondness for teaching and aspires to be as supportive as the nurses who trained her. According to Ashley, teaching within the nursing field is crucial. It sets the foundation for the first experience in the field and helps students and new hires see how gratifying nursing jobs can be. Teaching also allows nurses to improve their awareness and understanding of their responsibilities, skills, and knowledge. Despite the challenges of being a nurse, Ashley believes nursing is a rewarding profession that allows individuals to grow and impact patients and their family members during some of the most difficult moments of their lives.

Emergency Preparedness Week: Understanding the Risks

This week is Emergency Preparedness Week! This year’s theme is “Be Prepared. Know your Risks”. The intent of the theme is to encourage us all to understand the risks in our area and learn what actions we can take to protect ourselves, our families, and our community.

Emergency Preparedness at Home

By taking a few simple steps, you can become better prepared to face a range of emergencies – anytime, anywhere. It is important to:

  • Know the risks – Although the consequences of disasters can be similar, knowing the risks specific to our community and our region can help you better prepare. Find out about risks in our region by using some of the following resources:
  • Make a plan – It will help you and your family know what to do
  • Get an emergency kit – During an emergency, we will all need some basic supplies. We may need to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours in an emergency.

Visit,, and the City of Thunder Bay’s Emergency Planning page for resources to help you and your family prepare for all types of emergencies, including emergency plan templates and emergency kit content recommendations.

We all have a role to play in an emergency. Experience has shown that individual preparedness goes a long way to reducing vulnerability and increasing disaster resilience. I encourage you to take concrete actions throughout the year to be more prepared.

If you have questions, please reach out to your manager or Mēsha Richard, Lead, Emergency Preparedness (ext. 6552 or

Reminder: Cancer Centre Closed on Friday, May 10th

Please note the Cancer Centre will be closed on Friday, May 10, 2024, for a professional education day.

If assistance is required this day, please call (807) 684-7200. This phone line will be monitored from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

To contact a Cancer Centre physician, please follow the standard process.

National Nursing Week Spotlight: Grace Fleming

It’s National Nursing Week and Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is highlighting a few of our nurses and their achievements. Meet Grace Fleming, a nursing student at Oshki-Wenjack.

Grace Fleming has worked as a ward clerk at Red Lake Hospital since 2014. Grace knew early in her employment that she wanted to become a nurse, but the opportunities to advance her career in Red Lake were limited. In 2022, she discovered a nursing program at Oshki-Wenjack. “Oshki has allowed me the ability to do most of the program from my hometown,” says Grace. “I have enjoyed the small class sizes, and the one-on-one learning. I am looking forward to starting my career in my hometown of Red Lake.”

National Nursing Week Spotlight: Mary Flaherty

It’s National Nursing Week and Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is highlighting a few of our nurses and their achievements. Meet Mary Flaherty a Registered Nurse at our Hospital.

Mary Flaherty graduated from Lakehead University in June 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Currently, she is working as a Registered Nurse on 3B, a surgical inpatient unit at Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre. Mary has learned a lot during the last year and a half, and she has advanced from being a new graduate to becoming a reliable member of the team. She often serves as a unit lead, managing various situations beyond the typical caseload, which makes for an exciting and ever-changing environment. Mary says that her passion for nursing has grown through the experiences she has shared with fellow staff and patients she has worked with. She credits the amazing nurses she works with on 3B for their help and guidance, which has shaped her into the nurse she is today. Mary hopes to set an example for future generations of nurses and to be a role model of patient-centred care.  
