Anti-Stigma Pledge Campaign: Person First Language Booth (TODAY)

There will be an information booth on person first language on Wednesday, July 24, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. located outside Seasons Gift Shop. Check it out to learn more about person first language and anti-stigma!

We all must be aware of any outdated language being used around mental health and addictions stigma. Everyone can be a champion against stigma when advocating for the use of accurate and respectful language, including using person-first language. Person-first language focuses on the individual while de-emphasizing the illness, disability, or condition.

Let’s continue the conversation about the impact of stigma and how our words and actions matter. See below for a guide on how you start to make small changes in your conversations.

Bariatric Surgery Information Session: TODAY @ 6:00 p.m.

Join Dr. Scott Cassie, Bariatric Surgeon, and Dr. Julie Riendeau, Psychologist, for an online discussion about the journey to bariatric surgery.

📅 Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
🕕 Time: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. EST (5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. CST)
📍 Webex

Webinar link:

Webinar password: Bariatric2024

Drone Survey (July 12)

Shared on behalf of Capital and Facility Services

Please be advised that a drone survey will be conducted over the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre campus on Friday, July 12, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

All safety precautions regarding Nav-Can and Transport Canada protocols are being followed for this survey and notification to impacted partners have been completed.

COVID-19 Outbreak – 1A Medical

Shared on behalf of Infection Prevention and Control

An outbreak of COVID has been declared on 1A Medical unit as of July 7, 2024. All restrictions are in place.

Please share this information with the appropriate staff.

As always, our number one priority is the safety of patients and their families, staff and visitors. All patients identified as having an exposure to this outbreak will require isolation with appropriate additional precautions.

The department of Infection Prevention and Control encourages everyone to keep applying the routine practices of hand hygiene, proper use of PPE, equipment cleaning, and the appropriate admission screening of all patients. Please set an example for staff and students and assist us by maintaining compliance and due diligence.

For more information, contact Infection Prevention and Control at extension 6094.

C-Difficile Outbreak (2A)

Shared on behalf of Infection Prevention and Control

An outbreak of C-Difficile has been declared on 2A as of Tuesday July 2, 2024. All restrictions are in place. 

Please share this information with the appropriate staff. 

As always, our number one priority is the safety of patients and their families, staff and visitors. All patients identified as having an exposure to this outbreak will require isolation with appropriate additional precautions. 

The department of Infection Prevention and Control encourages everyone to keep applying the routine practices of hand hygiene, proper use of PPE, equipment cleaning, and the appropriate admission screening of all patients. Please set an example for staff and students and assist us by maintaining compliance and due diligence. 

For more information, contact Infection Prevention and Control at ext. 6094

Turtle (I) Lot Closed (July 6-7)

Shared on behalf of Nicole Moffett and the Security and Parking Team

Please be advised that the Turtle (I) Lot will be closed on Sunday, July 7 for a Thunder
Bay Auto Sport event in support of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation.

Security will close Turtle (I) Lot entry at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 6 to allow the lot to
empty overnight. The Auto Sport event will run from 8:00 a.m. until approximately 5:00 p.m. on
Sunday, July 7, during which time the lot will be closed for parking.

Staff that park in Turtle (I) Lot are encouraged to use their secondary lot (if applicable).

Moose (B2) and GH will also be made available to staff that typically park in Turtle (I) Lot.

Staff are reminded to avoid Turtle (I) Lot for safety reasons, unless attending the event.

Active Commute Challenge Winner (for June 28)

The final push for Active Commute Challenge (ACC) kilometres is here. There are still a few days left to log those extra active kilometers, climb the leaderboard and win some prizes.

Prizes are being drawn throughout the challenge, both internally at the Hospital and externally through the Thunder Bay District Health Unit.

Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre is currently leading for large employers in Thunder Bay. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who has participated so far this month.

An extra congratulations goes out to our latest random prize winner, Luke Perrier (pictured).
