National Indigenous History Month: NAN Community Building Panel Display

During National Indigenous History Month, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre has partnered with Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) to showcase a community building panel display on site. This project, developed by the NAN Education Department, was funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education in response to the Seven Youth Inquest in 2016, and is aimed to address racism experienced by students in Thunder Bay schools.

The purpose of the display is to combat myths and misunderstandings that lead to racism and to provide an opportunity for respectful dialogue about Treaty relationships. The display aims to encourage truthful and respectful discussions while discouraging false and derogatory statements about Indigenous Peoples.

The panels will be on display across from Seasons Gift Shop until Thursday, June 20th.

Celebrating Our Progress: SP2026 Quarterly Update (January 1 – March 31, 2024)

We all play a vital role in helping to advance our strategic priorities and in achieving our vision of Exceptional care for every patient, every time. In order to increase awareness and help everyone understand how we are progressing on Strategic Plan 2026, we have developed and are distributing these quarterly strategic initiative highlights.

Click the image below to enlarge, or visit the Strategic Plan 2026 page on the corporate intranet for more information.

Lunch and Learn: Medicine Wheel Teaching with Elder Gerry Martin (June 25)

Come join us for a special Lunch and Learn event featuring Elder Gerry Martin as he shares his wisdom on Medicine Wheel Teachings.

Where: Volunteer Services Room #2007 (2nd floor)

Date: June 25, 2024

Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from Elder Gerry Martin and deepen your understanding of Indigenous teachings. Bring your appetites as Pizza will be provided. See you there!

Registration link:

Your Health Space e-Learning Summer Series: Starts July 2

Your Health Space is kicking off the summer with the Your Health Space e-Learning Summer Series.

The Your Health Space e-Learning Series is a FREE hybrid learning experience tailored to the needs and experiences of health care staff. 

From July 2 to September 2, learners will have access to three self-directed courses and weekly live skill-building sessions focused on boosting mental health literacy and strategies to manage and mitigate the effects of stress in the health care workplace.

Click here to register.

Summer Series registration will be available until July 15, 2024.

Below you will find the Summer Series Flyer which includes a Registration Link, additional details, and dates for the optional live 30-minute Skill Building Sessions (SBS), for your planning and distribution if desired. 

Watch this short 1 minute video to better understand this offering.

Parking Lot Re-Assignment

Shared on behalf of Nicole Moffett, Manager, Emergency Preparedness, Switchboard, Security

Commencing Thursday, June 20 and continuing until the end of July, we will be taking a phased approach to adjusting parking lot assignment for some departments.

Departments have been selected based on physical location in the hospital (proximity to lot assignment), size, shift times, and the need to re-locate staff from B2-Moose (presently patient and staff lot) due to anticipated pressures associated with CVS construction, and I-Turtle (presently visitor and staff lot) due to prospective tenant needs. 

Managers will receive notification by email in advance of parking lot re-assignment so that they can inform their teams. Teams that are already assigned to A2 will notice an increase in users and occupancy as we seek to leverage the A2-expansion. 

We hope that you enjoy the new parking lot!

Endovascular Thrombectomy – Enhancing Stroke Outcomes in NWO

Endovascular Thrombectomy – Enhancing Stroke Outcomes in Northwestern Ontario
Endovascular Therapy (EVT) treatment uses a small tube, a guide wire and stent to remove large stroke-causing clots from the brain.

In Canada, a stroke occurs every five minutes. A stroke is caused by not enough blood getting to the brain. One of the causes of stroke, is blockage of a blood vessel due to a clot. A common source of blood clots that can cause a stroke stems from the heart. If the heart is effected by conditions, like atrial fibrillation, abnormal contractions of the heart can create an environment for clots to form. The clot can travel from the heart, up the large vessels in the neck and into the brain. The brain cannot function without reliable blood flow. This can result in a facial droop, weakness in an arm/leg, changes in vision, speech, swallowing and balance. If blood flow cannot be restored quickly, this inability to function can become permanent for the effected area of the brain. This is why fast access to the right care is very important.

Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) is one of 11 Endovascular Thrombectomy centers across Ontario. Endovascular Thrombectomy (EVT), is a procedure used to treat strokes caused by a clot. This is done with a small tube, guide wire and stent to remove the clot and restore blood flow to the brain. TBRHSC is dedicated to providing life-changing stroke interventions to the region. The hospital has two physicians, Dr. Graeme Marchuk and Dr. Razmik Bebedjian, that preform EVTs and upgrades to equipment have been completed, including an aspirator system for better clot removal. A successful procedure requires specialized equipment and a coordinated team to allow for the best outcome.

“The additional equipment we have received and the upgrades we hope to obtain in the future mean faster and more efficient treatment for patients, ultimately giving the patient the best opportunity for recovery” Dr. A. Hassan, Neurologist and Medical Lead, Northwestern Ontario Regional Stroke Network

While not every stroke patient is a candidate for an acute treatment, those that are, need to be identified quickly. Patients are evaluated with advanced scans of the brain which includes computed tomography perfusion (CTP). CTP is colour coded brain imaging that supports physicians to identify brain tissue that can potentially be saved by treatment. This advancement in imaging was launched in Thunder Bay in October 2021 and in Kenora, Lake of the Woods District Hospital in June 2022, and most recently in Fort Frances in June of last year at La Verendrye Hospital – Riverside Health Care. This technology supports getting the appropriate patients to treatment centres for the best care quickly.

If someone is experiencing sudden stroke symptoms, act FAST – F: Facial Droop; A: Arm Weakness; S: Slurred Speech; T: Time to call 911/local emergency number immediately to get access to stroke care.

For more information and to sign up for our quarterly newsletter, visit

Donations towards supporting stroke care and EVT initiatives can be directed to the STROKE FUND through Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation at

Greenstone and Surrounding Communities Come Together for Local Hospitals

Greenstone and Surrounding Communities Come Together for Local Hospitals

In a heartwarming display of teamwork and support, Greenstone ladies rallied together for their annual Girls Night Out – a breast cancer fundraiser that surpassed all expectations. Held at the Nakina Curling Club on May 4th, the “Mardi Gras” themed event was a huge success with almost $13,000 raised to be donated to the Geraldton District Hospital Chemo Suite and the Tbaytel Tamarack House in Thunder Bay. Since 2011, Girls Night Out – Breast Cancer Fundraiser Greenstone has raised over $94,974!

The importance of surrounding communities coming together to do events and fundraising to support the regional hospital cannot be overstated, especially for those affected by cancer. These events and fundraisers play a crucial role in providing much-needed financial support for cancer research, treatment, and equipment at the Hospital.

The Tbaytel Tamarack House in Thunder Bay is an important resource for those who have to travel for medical care, as it provides an affordable option for an extended stay, and is located on the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre property. Additionally, these events also help in building a sense of community and solidarity among those affected by cancer, as well as their loved ones. Knowing that their community is rallying behind them can provide a much-needed emotional boost for cancer patients and their families. Overall, the support from surrounding communities through events and fundraising is vital in ensuring that the regional hospital can continue to provide top-notch care and support for those affected by cancer.

You can find a plaque honouring the Girls Night Out Greenstone event in the cancer centre exam room with a beautiful message of “her fight is our fight” reminding everyone who walks in and out of that room, that they are not alone.

Community Rallies for Cancer Support at Annual Pool Tournament

Community Rallies for Cancer Support at Annual Pool Tournament
Pictured, Rita Bannon Pool Tournament Committee.

The 3rd annual Rita Bannon Memorial Pool Tournament took place this past May 3rd – May 5th at the Elk’s Lodge in support of the Northern Cancer Fund. This heartwarming event brought together a community united in love and support to honour the memory of beloved sister, Rita Bannon, while raising funds for a cause that is close to the hearts of many.

Throughout the weekend, there were tears shed, hugs exchanged, and an overwhelming sense of camaraderie felt from everyone who attended. The tournament not only provided an opportunity to remember Rita, but gave participants a chance to connect with others who have been affected by cancer while providing an environment for healing, connection and support. It was a day filled with both reflection and joy, as people shared their stories and memories while also enjoying the friendly competition of the pool tournament.

The event was a huge success, and the support from the community was truly heartwarming. To date, the tournament has raised $64,500. The funds raised will go a long way in supporting the Northern Cancer Fund and the important work they do to provide care and resources for those affected by cancer. Soon enough you will be able to find a plaque honouring the event in the Cancer Centre at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. Events like these are not only an opportunity to raise funds for important causes but also to provide a sense of hope and unity for those who have been affected by cancer.

As we reflect on the success of the tournament, we are reminded of the strength and resilience of those who have been affected by cancer. The event was a beautiful testament to the power of community and the impact that can be made when people come together to support one another. We look forward to next year’s tournament and the opportunity to continue making a positive difference for those affected by cancer.

Your pension is increasing!

Shared on behalf of the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan

Helping you get even more from your pension

As one of Canada’s strongest pension plans, HOOPP is passionate about delivering on our pension promise by providing secure and reliable retirement income to our members. That’s why we are pleased to share that, supported by the overall strength of the Plan, HOOPP’s Board of Trustees has approved an increase to your pension.

Eligible members will receive an increase in their annual lifetime pension of up to $315.

You will be able to view your updated pension estimates on HOOPP Connect on July 1.

The good news doesn’t stop there

HOOPP announced that contribution rates will remain unchanged until at least the end of 2026. Our contribution rates have not changed since 2004 – that’s more than 20 years of stability for members and employers.

We are pleased to be in a position to provide our members with an increased lifetime pension, enhancing retirement security and peace of mind. If you have any questions, please contact our Member Services team.

Learn more HERE.
