Code Grey – Air Exclusion Policy Refresher

Shared on behalf of  Ryan Sears, Code Grey – Air Exclusion Executive Sponsor

As we begin to encounter the effects of wildfire season in our region, it is important that we review and follow our Code Grey – Air Exclusion Policy.

To date, Environment Canada has issued one special air quality statement for the Thunder Bay area related to smoke plumes from active wildfires this season. These fires put particles and gases into the air that can be harmful to human health. When this occurs, people may experience symptoms such as increased coughing, throat irritation, headaches, or shortness of breath. Our Air Exclusion Policy aims to reduce this risk to the internal environment and mitigate or reduce these associated impacts.

With Ontario’s legislated fire season running from April 1 to October 31 annually, leadership will continue to monitor air quality alerts and adjust our Hospital’s response as required.

Please take a moment to complete the Recommended Actions below.

Recommended Actions

  • Review the Code Grey – Air Exclusion (Button Down) policy and associated refresher Safety Huddle (attached). Familiarize yourself with the policy and related procedures.
  • Visit for information on how to reduce your health risk along with current and forecasted Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) values.