April Showers us with another Thunder Bay 50/50 Millionaire

Charles and Judy Paxton of Thunder Bay are the winners of the April 50/50 Grand Prize of $1,385,850.

A lot of green has just popped up in Charles Paxton’s wallet today! He received the lucky call this morning advising him that he had just won the grand prize of $1,385,850 in the April 50/50 draw.

When Charles shared the incredible news with his wife Judy, a long-time nurse, that they had won the April 50/50, she didn’t believe him. Fearing it might be a scam, Judy called back to hear it for herself. Reflecting on his past, Charles said, “in 2001, I spent many weeks in the ICU. I owe my life to the hospital because I’m able to walk again.” Charles and Judy hope to celebrate with their family, and do some traveling in a new motorhome they are planning to shop for this weekend.

Proceeds from the Thunder Bay 50/50 monthly draw go towards purchasing vital tools such as equipment for exceptional cancer care for patients here at the hospital and across the region. To date, over $39 Million in prizes has been awarded to winners from across Ontario.

“Since its inception, our 50/50 draw has had over 200 winners, with 12 of them becoming millionaires,” says Glenn Craig, President and CEO of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation. We never expected such a remarkable outcome from our lottery. Beyond enriching the lives of our winners, the proceeds from the 50/50 are advancing patient care at our hospital sooner than we ever could by funding millions into new and replacement equipment.”

May Draw Now Open

May’s draw will feature more chances to WIN with $62,000 in Early Bird draws. Thirteen of those draws will betaking place in just the first week AND we are also bringing back bonus numbers on both the $20 and $75 ticket packages!

The grand prize jackpot happens Friday, May 31, 2024. Tickets are now available online only at www.thunderbay5050.ca. Ticket packages are as follows:

  • $10 for 5 numbers
  • $20 for 30 numbers + 20 BONUS numbers = 50 numbers
  • $50 for 150 numbers
  • $75 for 300 numbers + 100 BONUS numbers = 400 numbers

** Tickets must be purchased by 11:59 p.m. ET on Thursday, May 30, 2024 to be eligible for the Grand Prize draw on Friday, May 31, at 11:00 a.m.